Holy cow. OK, I discover the new
www.itsnotaboutthenumbers.com web site. I see something new to try... streaking. As of today, I am up to day 52 of finding caches every day. It has created a new challenge for me on caching. I'm loving it. As a by product, I am finding a ton of caches. In noticed I did 100 caches in no time. I thought I would go for 100 caches in 200 days. I did it in 68 days. I figured I would keep pushing and go for 300. I am not in an overly cache rich area, so it has been tough at times to find a cache a day. Traveling helps and hurts too. I did a long day of flying the other day, so I found a cache at 4:30 AM before going to the airport. I DNF'd one first, then found a tiny, tiny cache.
Still, it is a fun site. I have always liked my own stats and such, so it is cool to see them displayed in so many ways. It is a great site and has been a lot of fun. It also got me caching like a maniac again. That has been nice.
There is no telling how long this run will go. The URU Live thing is awful distracting. That's a whole 'nuther post.